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Essential Plumbing Assessments to Perform Prior to Purchasing a New Home

The excitement of purchasing a new house can quickly turn sour if you find yourself dealing with plumbing issues shortly after moving in. Therefore, conducting a comprehensive examination of the plumbing systems is vital before finalizing your purchase. Here are some indispensable suggestions to guide you on how to assess the plumbing of a prospective home.

Top 5 Rapid Plumbing Evaluations to Undertake Before Owning a Home Outlined below are five essential plumbing assessments to carry out when considering a new house. Let’s delve right in!

Inspect the Faucets While it might appear obvious, it's essential to run each faucet and shower in the house for a short while. Keep an eye out for any indications of blockages, like limited flow or inconsistent water delivery.

Monitor the water pressure - overly high pressure might cause pipe damage, while a low pressure could indicate an obstruction within the plumbing system.

Examine the water’s colour and smell as the tap runs. If it appears rusty or smells foul, it could suggest pipe damage or water contamination - a potential health risk. However, keep in mind that sometimes rusty water could simply mean the tap hasn't been used for a while. For peace of mind, have a professional check the faucets to dismiss the chance of deteriorating pipes.

Identify Leaks and Discoloration In your new home, you don't want to be dealing with problematic and leaky pipes. Inspect each corner of the house for covert signs of water damage - from mold around the toilet to odd stains on walls and ceilings.

Also, remember to test the toilets by flushing them and observing the flow and water level in the bowl. Spot any strange odours or apparent signs of leaks, such as water around sink or bathroom fixtures, and consider hiring a professional plumber for further inspection.

Assess the Hot Water System The hot water system is a critical aspect of a home's plumbing. After all, freezing showers during winter aren't ideal. Plus, replacing water heaters can be costly, so be sure to run hot water in all faucets and showers, and examine the water heater for damage.

Remember, water heaters typically last ten years, so knowing when the heater was installed could hint at whether a replacement may be needed soon.

Review the Sewer Lines Issues with sewer lines could lead to pipe blockage, resulting in sewage accumulation and a foul smell. Should there be any indications of a sewer line issue, consider a camera inspection to rule out corrosion or leaks.

Deep tree roots occasionally grow towards sewer lines, causing damage. Therefore, a thorough evaluation of the drainage system is crucial to avoid any homeowner headaches.

Engage the Former Occupants If the property was recently inhabited, engaging the previous occupants for information on the plumbing and water quality can be enlightening. Enquire about any repairs or maintenance carried out on the pipes or fixtures.

This interaction can provide insights into the overall condition of the plumbing and help anticipate future expenses. However, ensure you validate their claims with your own professional inspection.

Seek Assistance From a Qualified Plumber If plumbing systems perplex you, or if you detect any signs of water damage, it would be wise to engage a skilled plumber for a professional assessment. They can help understand the current state of your pipes and drainage system, provide maintenance advice, and identify any damages.

In Conclusion When buying a new house, vital plumbing elements to examine include water flow in faucets and showers, hot water availability, and the state of the pipes and drainage system. Be vigilant for water damage indicators such as leaks, discolouration, stains, or mold.

Pay extra attention to bathroom fixtures, and make sure to test the toilet's flushing mechanism and water level. Engage a professional plumber if you're unsure about plumbing technicalities or if you spot potential damage signs!


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